Parent Referral Program
1. Refer your Friends, family, neighbors...
2. You get $50 off of One month's tuition
3. They get $50 off of their first month's tuition
The highest compliment our parents can pay us is the referral of family or friends for child care at one of our centers. The trust and confidence that you place in us each and every day means a great deal. In appreciation of that trust and confidence, we are excited to share our Parent Referral Program. Each time a child is enrolled as a result of your referral to other parents, you will receive a $50 TUITION DISCOUNT and they will receive a $50 TUITION DISCOUNT!
How Does it Work?
How do I get started?
The referral program is easy. Just download the Parent Referral Form and submit it to one of the Canvas Directors OR ask the referred family to mention you on their registration form. Once the new family has been enrolled, your account will be discounted accordingly. Outstanding or past due balances do not receive referral discounts – both families' account balance must be current.
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:15 pm
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